ZIP center for youth – business incubator d.o.o. Pirot was founded in 2012 by the municipalities of Pirot and UG Pirgos with the aim of increasing youth employment through self-employment, and its establishment was made possible by project financing by the EU through the RSEDP 2 program.
The activity of the ZIP Center consists in the implementation of the incubation process to its tenants through the pre-incubation, incubation and post-incubation phase, as inseparable units of the entire process.
The results achieved so far by the ZIP center consist of the following:
- More than 30 companies have been incubated;
- over 30 people outside the incubator received mentoring support at the beginning of the business;
- currently there are 10 companies operating in zip center, and 20 people in the Start up center;
- on-the-job trainings were organized for 9 occupations in 15 companies in the city, attended by 90 young people, 50% of whom got employment in companies;
- basic IT trainings – office software for 30 participants were organized;
- IT trainings were organized for 45 learners from the c# programming language;
- several sets of trainings for beginners in business (80 people) were organized;
- educational materials for beginners in business, Employment Practicum, Signpost to secondary school, Signpost to college, Study abroad, From idea to business – a guide for beginners in business are made.