I Reliefs of the Pirot City Administration relating to business activities within the Industrial Park:
During the construction of facilities, the investor is exempted from paying fees for all acts and administrative actions in the field of construction and urban planning.
The Building Land Fund of the Municipality of Pirot exempts investors from paying fees for arranging construction land.
The Public Company "Vodovod i kanalizacija" and the Public Company "Toplana" exempt investors from paying fees for issuing documents in the approval procedure for the construction of the facility and when connecting the facility to the water supply and hot water network.
Public urban planning company Pirot exempts investors from paying fees for issuing all planning documents related to the construction of the facility.
When using facilities that are built and operate within the boundaries of the industrial park, investors are exempted from paying the fee for the use of construction land as well as paying local utility fees prescribed by the decision of the City Assembly of Pirot.
After the construction of the facility within the boundaries of the industrial park, the investors will pay the utility fee for the public company "Komunalac", PE "Vodovod i kanalizacija" and PE "Gradska toplana" in the amount of 50% of the current price for industrial facilities for a period of up to 5 years.
II Reliefs of the Pirot City Administration relating to business within the borders of the expansion of the Free Zone
During the construction of new facilities, the Pirot City Administration exempts investors from the following fees:
At the Department of Urban Planning, Municipal and Residential Activities, Construction and Inspection Affairs and the Department of Economy and Finance of the City of Pirot:
Fee for issuing documentation in resolving current requirements (from the Program of preparation of spatial planning documentation: urban and technical conditions, urban planning approval, issuance of information on location permits, notifications, etc.).
fee for city administration costs (fees for issuing location permits, urban approvals, building permits, Decisions on building approvals and others),
compensation for municipal fees,
fees for certificates on the right of pre-construction.
Near the Building Land Fund:
fee for landscaping of building land (in the amount of 50%)
At JP Vodovod i kanalizacija and JP Toplana:
1. fee for issuing conditions for connection to the network,
2. fee for issuing consent for connection to the network,
3. network connection fee (excluding material costs).
- fee for issuing documentation for reparcelization in the resolution of current requests
During the exploitation of the facility, he Pirot City Administration exempts investors from the following fees:
At the Department of Urban Planning, Municipal and Residential Activities, Construction and Inspection Affairs of the City of Pirot:
- fees for municipal taxes
At the Fund for building land of the municipality of Pirot:
- fee for the use of building land
At JP "Komunalac", JKP " Gradska toplana" and JP "Water supply and sewerage"
- utility fee (50% of the current price for industrial facilities)
Special benefits in the exploitation of facilities and programs within the boundaries of the expanded area of the Free Zone "Pirot" will not be charged from the moment of issuing the use permit for the built facility until the expiration of the time of 5 years.
III Special benefits for the work of new users of the Free Zone Pirot
All NEW production users in the Free Zone are exempt from paying the following taxes:
At the Department of Economy and Finance of the City of Pirot - local tax administration:
Property tax – exemption of 50% property tax on beneficiaries in free zones
Tax on wages, production companies in the Free Zone that employ 200 or more workers. (30% of the local self-government).
Special benefits to production users within the boundaries of the Free Zone "Pirot" will not be charged from the moment of making this decision until the expiration of the time of 5 years.
IV Benefits of the City of Pirot
For the construction of the facility
at the city administration of the City of Pirot are not paid:
a) all administrative fees and local utility fees for obtaining approval for the execution of works and use permits,
b) contribution to the arrangement of building land,
c) fee for the certificate of the right of pre-construction;
Public utility companies are not paid for:
a) fee for issuing conditions for connection to communal infrastructure,
b) fee for issuing approval for connection to municipal infrastructure,
c) fee for connection to utility infrastructure (excluding material costs).
In the case of the object's exploitation
for a period of three years from the moment of issuance of the Decision on the use permit for newly built buildings:
• Local municipal taxes are not paid at the City Administration of Pirot;
• For public utility companies, half of the utility fee is paid according to the current price for industrial facilities;
Support to businessmen through the allocation of low-value assistance
• „The City of Pirot grants assistance to existing micro and small companies, entrepreneurs and cooperatives for the revitalization and development of jobs that are considered artistic and old crafts, i.e. domestic crafts, all with the aim of increasing the level of their competitiveness and preserving and improving traditional ways of making and creativity. Assistance in the form of subsidies may be granted for the following purposes: employment of persons with an economic entity engaged in artistic and old crafts, i.e. domestic crafts; for the purchase of equipment and specialized tools; for the purchase of raw materials and materials for packaging and distribution of products.“
• „The City of Pirot grants assistance to existing micro and small companies and entrepreneurs whose majority owners, i.e. founders and legal representatives are women, all with the aim of improving and developing women's entrepreneurship in the territory of the city of Pirot. Assistance is awarded for subsidizing the following costs: the procurement of machinery, equipment and specialized tools; construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation of business, production or sales premises; procurement of vehicles used in working plants; procurement of raw materials; procurement of specialized software; services with the aim of innovating and digitizing business processes; expenditure related to the standardization of business and products; attending professional trainings; "It's going to be on the market, as well as for other purposes that lead to the improvement of the position of women's entrepreneurship.“