Powers and functions of the Local Economic Development Office
1. Development projects
- Monitoring of potential domestic and international sources of financing development projects in the field of public infrastructure, tourism, culture, education, and else;
- Participation in the creation of conceptual and main construction projects in accordance with the needs of the city and potential sources of financing;
- Communication and coordination of activities with Ministries and international donor institutions;
- Writing and candidacy of projects with creation of financial structure and budgeting;
- Implementation, monitoring and reporting on approved projects;
- Coordination and communication with city institutions and public companies in order to determine the need for projects.
2. Economy, infrastructure and investments
- Improvement of measures to encourage economic development, monitoring of competitions and open calls, promotion of the city;
- Preparation and maintenance of a database on vacant greenfield and brownfield locations;
- Preparation of proposals for incentive measures for the development of the economy, employment;
- Establishing contact with investors, visiting the field with investors, servicing information for the needs of investors;
- Coordination of work with the Department of Urban Planning and public companies regarding building and other permits for investors;
- Uvođenje u posao izvođača i poslovi komunikacije sa stručnim nadzorom;
- Participation in the formation of industrial zones and auctioning of land for potential owners;
- Management of public institutions of the city
- Participation in the adoption of the Capital Investment Plan of the city.